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Hysterectomies Have Come a Long Way Thanks to Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Dr. Sogade is happy to discuss your options and help you decide if da Vinci surgery is right for you. For a consultation, cal

Since the Middle Ages, women have undergone a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and possibly the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Once your uterus is removed, you can no longer bear children.

For much of history, the operation was invasive and performed without anesthesia. Luckily for women, times and hysterectomies have changed.

Today, a hysterectomy can be performed via the da Vinci® robotic-assisted surgical system, a minimally invasive surgical treatment that reduces downtime and complications.

Dr. Bola Sogade is glad to discuss whether robotic-assisted surgery is right for you. In the meantime, here is information that will help you prepare for your consultation with Dr. Sogade.

How hysterectomy has evolved

From the 1920s to 1988, hysterectomy techniques changed very little. The operation involved a large incision made in the abdomen, or painful tissue manipulation to remove the uterus vaginally. However, in 1988, a Pennsylvania doctor performed the first laparoscopic hysterectomy.

Today, hysterectomies are routinely performed laparoscopically. And since 2000, the FDA-approved da Vinci robotic-assisted surgery has emerged as a popular, minimally invasive procedure that improves female health and wellness.

The da Vinci system offers several advantages to hysterectomy patients. The system includes:

What conditions can the da Vinci system treat?

Many women undergo a hysterectomy to treat the following conditions:

Da Vinci surgery is not right for every type of hysterectomy. But this innovative surgical system treats many conditions. If you need a hysterectomy, the da Vinci system offers these advantages, including:

The da Vinci system also lets women return to their normal routines in about one week. For the next three to four weeks required for recovery, women experience minimal pain.

What’s more, abdominal scars from the da Vinci system are small and barely noticeable, unlike the long cuts that traditional surgery requires. 

Although hysterectomies are a common procedure, they usually are not the first line of defense for gynecological problems. Medication can treat many conditions.

Dr. Sogade is happy to discuss your options and help you decide if da Vinci surgery is right for you. For a consultation, call our office at 478-772-3780, or use our online scheduling tool.


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